Athame Making Course.

Creating your Athame or Boline

I feel that magical tools that are made by the user give the person a greater connection to their tool and this in turn passes on to its use and usability by its owner (The flip side to this is you can also be drawn to a mass produced knife that connects through in the same way, its all down to the user). My approach with the creation of sacred tools is to remove outside influences and focus your efforts and energy into your blade.

The forge is made from Elm, Ash, leather and steel made Victorian bellows, this provides the breath for your fire to forge the blade in.

The Charcoal fuel for the fire is created on my land from Willow, Oak, Birch, Rowan, Thorn or Ash. The type of fuel can be decided upon by you and for fossilised stone lovers coal is available.

The steel for the blade can come from a piece you have found be it, horse shoe in hedge, broken spring, found thing or repurposed steel from gate or rail (I supply steel or wrought iron if prefereed or can offer to fire weld a piece/pieces to another if required at an additional charge ready for your two days). The forging of the piece is carried out on an anvil with a hammer elemental heat causing the steel to be most open to influence before its final sharpening.

We then have options to make a cross guard and pommel for your knife (This once again can be out of something that has synchronistically come into your possesion) with a wooden, bone or antler handle of your choice (this can be brought by you or supplied by me). All trees have magick and folklore attached to them and once again your handle can be adapted to include the tree of your choice.

Athame Wrought Iron, Steel and Horn Handle

Build it.

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