Spiral Nail Amulet. A nail has the power of fixing a thing in time and space, and iron has long been known for its use as a defence against negative energy.
Iron Nail Spiral Amulet. £45.00
This is an Iron Nail Spiral Amulet created from an antique nail that had held a piece of furniture together for over a hundred years.
A nail has the power of fixing a thing in time and space, and iron has long been known for its use as a defence against negative energy.
Nails were often hammered into doors to keep out Evil, or nailed into the footprint of those that trespassed or wronged an individual to hold their wrong doing down. Nails were often carried so that people would stay on their path and not be led astray by the fair folk as they travelled the wilds on moor, mountain and fell.
The spiral is seen in ancient artwork back to the neolithic period and probably much further and for myself is a symbol of ever expanding life and understanding, each time looping round to percieve a point from a different perspective and give us repeated chances and choices to follow our truths.
Where the Amulet has been drilled through, the head of the nail has become mushroom like, symbolising the fruiting mycelium that runs living and connected beneath our feet, drawing and sharing nutrients with those things around them.
I forged these old nails into spirals on my anvil having heated them in my coal forge. Where iron is known for its magnetism, when heated to a certain heat it looses this attractive/reflective property for a time, allowing a receptivity to intent. Upon the floor I drew a spiral running around the anvil with the anvil at its centre. Following the spiral’s shape on the floor I placed bindweed to hold the intent in place and further sympathetically intend the binding of a purpose of keeping the wearer to their truest path. Upon the anvil I drew sigils with chalk symbolising holding fast to our Truths, Peace, Joy, Strength, and Protection.
These amulets are made with the intent to help you stay true to your souls path.
Choose your amulet.
The image below shows the remaining amulets that I have available. Choose the one that connects with you most and let me know the letter it is under. Each amulet is £45.00 plus postage. I look forward to hearing from you.